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A Detailed Guide on Different Types of Lightbulbs

A Detailed Guide on Different Types of Lightbulbs

Choosing the right lighting for your house is important. A lightbulb is a good option. But it does not come in a single type. Several types of lightbulbs are available in the market, and our electricians in Apopka, FL are here to let you know about all of the types you can find. Types Of Lightbulbs 101 The first thing to know is that there are more than 50 types of lightbulbs in the market. However, all of them fall under four main categories. These are the parent types ...

Where to Put Outlets in New Construction Homes

Where to Put Outlets in New Construction Homes

Building a new home can be one of the most exciting journeys of your life, as you can choose all of the features and tailor the customization to everything you truly need and want in a home. New construction projects, however, pose challenges that you may not even think about until you are knee-deep. With the help of the right electricians in Apopka, FL, you can make sure that all of your electricity is properly wired and your light features are properly placed and installed. As you work in y...

5 Lighting Styles for Your Kitchen

5 Lighting Styles for Your Kitchen

The kitchen is the heartbeat of a home. It can turn a house into a home with one loving meal. Trying to balance your kitchen's lighting for both aesthetics and practicality can be difficult. There are many designs and styles of lights that focus on different purposes. When you are renovating your kitchen, your lights require thought. You need to be able to see clearly for functionality, but the lighting of the room needs to give off a pleasant energy. To top it all off, you have to consid...

Holiday Guide to Electrical Safety

Holiday Guide to Electrical Safety

When it is time to hang the lights and decorate the tree, you should be aware of a few guidelines for electrical safety. As electrical contractors in Apopka, FL, we understand the ins and outs of electrical safety and the codes to follow. Here are some precautions and tips for keeping your family safe with electrical safety this holiday season. Before Hanging Your Lights For starters, before you hang your lights, you need to count your available outlets. Plan your decora...

Using Technology for Energy Efficiency

Using Technology for Energy Efficiency

If your house still has incandescent bulbs, an aged HVAC unit, outdated appliances, or you leave lights and devices on when you aren't using them, there may be assistance on the horizon. It might not come as a shock to you that researchers estimate that Americans waste over 60 percent of the power in the US. So imagine if you could slash your electric bill by more than 60 percent! Although this statistic incorporates the energy lost by every sector of society, homes and business...

Kitchen Appliance Hazards

Kitchen Appliance Hazards

Considering the number of heating-type appliances in our homes today, it's astonishing that there aren't more mishaps. Back in the day, parents used to request that their kids let them sleep in by placing a piece of paper with an illustration of a slice of toast on their locked door, signaling to the kids that they could make themselves toast for breakfast. Of course, now, we shudder with terror at the thought of a youth who is too young to read using a toaster alone since e...

Understanding Electrical Shock

Understanding Electrical Shock

Being in the electrical industry, we have witnessed and listened to many stories about the strange things electricity can do around metal, water, and the human body. One of the threats we deal with in our enterprise is electric shock. An electrical shock is a bodily injury from immediate contact with a high-voltage source. But there are numerous different elements at play. The voltage doesn't cause the damage, but the current, the shock's duration, and the body parts involved make a d...

Five Ways an Electrician Can Impact Your Business

Five Ways an Electrician Can Impact Your Business

Sooner or later, a company will need a licensed, bonded, certified electrician, whether it's brand-new and requires everything from the ground up or an established business with most issues ironed out. Undoubtedly, a great electrician can save you capital on your monthly electrical bill and long-term maintenance and repairs. Below, our electrical contractors in Winter Park, FL, list some ways a great electrician can affect your business: Lighting Because el...

What are Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs)?

What are Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs)?

An AFCI or Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter, is a security device that deters fires driven by unsafe wiring situations. Different than a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI), which is devised to control shock hazards, an AFCI is developed to manage fire hazards. In other terms, while a GFCI is created to safeguard people by shutting down if there is a current abnormality, a circuit breaker is developed to protect the wiring by interrupting power when there is an overload, and an AFCI is devis...

Reasons to Hire a Licensed Electrician for Your Electrical Needs

Reasons to Hire a Licensed Electrician for Your Electrical Needs

When times are tough and your household budget is stretched thin, frugal is often the name of the game. The attraction to take the lowest proposal when electrical work needs to be accomplished, usually bid by an unlicensed electrician, can be extremely powerful. And while it can be powerful, it can also be a massive mistake, one that could command way more than what a certified electrician would have assessed the first time. Licensing Requirements To be licensed in most ...

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